When I start drawing, I never know who will appear. I find men of all races attractive and have therefore depicted them as both victims and perpetrators. At any point in this blog, should there appear to be a preponderance of one or the other races in one or the other roles, it is unintentional. They are all meant to give as good as they get.

Anatomically, my drawings are sometimes not quite right. I have not had any formal art training, so what you see is the best I can make it.

This blog is fantasy and is not in anyway intended to
encourage reality. The reality is something I have no interest in or desire for.

Feb 25, 2011

Johnny's So Long at the Fair

Maybe Johnny shouldn't have lied to his wife about where he was going tonight.

Certainly he shouldn't have gotten into a fight with a Carny over a crooked Midway game.

Once again his aggressive attitude has gotten him into trouble.  Only this time he isn't getting out of it.  Little Wifey is going to be very upset tonight because he's not coming home.

That's 'cause the game Johnny's all tied up in isn't
"3 Shots for a Buck".

It's  "3 Shots AT a Buck".

And they won't be shooting darts!

Feb 3, 2011

Army Man-ouevers

I call this Corporal Punishment for obvious reasons.

The Corporal definitely has plans for this enlisted man. This Private just looks too nice and clean-cut and innocent.

Maybe not so innocent, though, because it looks like the Private thinks he is getting the idea.  He thinks he is going to end up as his Corporal's bitch.

But this Corporal has a much more gruesome idea. Don't let that pretty face fool you. He is one ugly, mean, sadistic bastard.  And he has played this all out before.

His hapless charge is going to end up at the bottom of a dumpster.

Feb 2, 2011

Back Again

My boys have been itching to get on the internet. So my year-long hiatus is over.   Coming soon:  their capture, their struggles and their deaths.

The Peril of Paul

The page-boy hairdo may be a bit out-dated, but the sentiment is as cogent today as ever.

That guy looks like he doesn't know whether he wants to kiss Paul or kill him.  We all know which he will choose.

Poor Paul doesn't have a prayer.  And he sure should be praying.