When I start drawing, I never know who will appear. I find men of all races attractive and have therefore depicted them as both victims and perpetrators. At any point in this blog, should there appear to be a preponderance of one or the other races in one or the other roles, it is unintentional. They are all meant to give as good as they get.

Anatomically, my drawings are sometimes not quite right. I have not had any formal art training, so what you see is the best I can make it.

This blog is fantasy and is not in anyway intended to
encourage reality. The reality is something I have no interest in or desire for.

Apr 19, 2011

Under the Gun

You've got to get your men ready for action somehow. Spike their drink in a bar.  Cold-cock them in the john. Use an ether-soaked rag.  Or, in this case, pull out an AK47.   That's sure to have an effect.

It's of course only the preliminaries, but they don't know that.  They know they're in for a rough ride.  And at this point, they would hardly be thinking about how rough you know its going to be.

Besides, making these guys strip is a lot more fun than maneuvering the dead-weight of an unconscious body.

That will come much, much later.                                                                                                        
So........take it off, boys.  It's going to be a bumpy ride for you and a limousine ride for us.                                                                                               

Apr 1, 2011

Chained Male

Meet Jesse.

He's always thought of himself as "The Stud".  Little did he know he would turn out to be the kind of stud that's attached to a wall.     

He doesn't seem to know why he's there. (He's a very tasty hunk of flesh.)  And he sure doesn't know how he got there. (Never accept a drink from a stranger.)  In fact the only thing he knows for sure is that he doesn't know what's going to happened to him.

But we know the one thing that's important:  He's there for us to play with.  For us to do anything we want with him.  A captive man.  A great body.  No possible escape. Poor Jesse, his fate is all up to us.

What are we going to do to him?