When I start drawing, I never know who will appear. I find men of all races attractive and have therefore depicted them as both victims and perpetrators. At any point in this blog, should there appear to be a preponderance of one or the other races in one or the other roles, it is unintentional. They are all meant to give as good as they get.

Anatomically, my drawings are sometimes not quite right. I have not had any formal art training, so what you see is the best I can make it.

This blog is fantasy and is not in anyway intended to
encourage reality. The reality is something I have no interest in or desire for.

Jan 25, 2010

Caught Cops

Cops--particularly motorcycle cops--have always been tops on my hit parade.  Muscles bulging in their form-fitting shirts.  Thighs hugging their tight breeches. Their black leather knee-high boots and Sam Brown belt shining authority. Quite a package indeed.

And while our fellow has lost most of his uniform, what's left is certainly okay with me.

He doesn't look very happy.

But I sure am.

An undercover cop obviously has to be really careful. This guy was. But unfortunately for him, he was betrayed.

He doesn't know by whom. But maybe it was his wife, for having had sex on the side. Or perhaps it was his partner who got tired of his gay-baiting.

However he got into this fix, he sure isn't going to get out of it without a sore ass, at the very least.

More likely, he won't get out of it at all.

Jan 13, 2010

Gentlemen, Be Seated

One of my great turn-ons is seeing a big hunk tied down and helpless, afraid of what might be happening next.

Tying him to a chair is certainly one of my favorite ways of getting my sitting ducks all in a row: muscles, rope, powerlessness, fear and the obvious sign that--although he might be objecting--he is as turned on as I am.

These guys are part of a series called "Fear". (No surprise there, I guess.)

Finally, here's a frat boy called "Shocked Jock".

Jan 3, 2010

Sneak Attach

In the manHandled world, the men are always muscular, handsome, between 18 and 35, and mostly naked. They are forever capturing or being captured. There is never an escape. And the aggressor rarely ever pays.

This is another taste of their world.

It only gets nastier.

Jack Be Nimble

Isn't Jack a cutie? Don't you wonder what his fate is? Or do you already know?

I haven't been around much for the past while. But I am back now and will be posting on a more regular basis.

Jack is just a taste of things to come.

Jock Be Quick

Once you have had Jack being nimble, you have to have Jock being quick.

And now you do.

But don't expect Jacques jumping over the candlestick. That aint gonna happen.

The Twist that Turns Me On

It's been a long time since I posted anything. Maybe because what I want to say is hard to come out and put into writing.

For those of you who remember the late, lamented Greasetank website, you remember that it showed images of men being beaten, tortured and murdered. Even though most of the drawings were amateur and rudimentary (except for the brilliant Kalabro) they were meant as a turn-on for guys like me.

Seeing big, hard, attractive muscular men totally controlled by other big, hard, attractive muscular men sets the scene. Race doesn't matter as long as the are all big, hard, attractive muscular guys. Seeing them tied up, beaten up, dead or dying, trying to escape their fate, showing abject fear or loathing of their captors, totally turns my crank. When I see drawings or photos that show that scene in its many variations--in anything from main-stream horror flicks to amateur underground films--I'm really turned on.

But I also know that if I saw something like that in real life, I would be totally repulsed. As fantasy, though, I cannot resist.

Who knows why? It just is.

Because it is so out of the mainstream, I have been drawing my own stuff for years. If I ever figure out how to scan to this blog, I will show you.

If anyone is interested.

(Originally posted on 2 June, 2009.)

Not so sick and certainly not tired

I've often worried about where my thoughts were taking me. Then I found Greasetank on the internet and found other like-minded guys who, in the mainstream were considered sickos, but in my mind were kindred spirits. No one does it better the Kalabro. (Check him out: kalabroart.blogspot.com). Well, I've been drawing for years and have some stuff that certainly isn't as well drawn as his (I don't have any formal training) but I think good enough and certainly just as violent, or even more so.

I'll be posting a few soon. Anyone interested?

(I originally posted this on 29 July, 2008.)