When I start drawing, I never know who will appear. I find men of all races attractive and have therefore depicted them as both victims and perpetrators. At any point in this blog, should there appear to be a preponderance of one or the other races in one or the other roles, it is unintentional. They are all meant to give as good as they get.

Anatomically, my drawings are sometimes not quite right. I have not had any formal art training, so what you see is the best I can make it.

This blog is fantasy and is not in anyway intended to
encourage reality. The reality is something I have no interest in or desire for.

Mar 21, 2011

Sometimes Clothes Make the Man

I haven't been dressing my men lately.  The action has all been pretty well naked.  But this was drawn quite some time ago and it does have four of my favourite pieces of clothing: breeches, a jock strap, knee-high boots and a muscle shirt.

It's called "Cop, Skip and Jump".

That's Skip getting stripped.

And that Cop....good looking fellow that he is....looks like he's getting some ideas he never had before.

For sure, that'll be too bad for Skip.

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