When I start drawing, I never know who will appear. I find men of all races attractive and have therefore depicted them as both victims and perpetrators. At any point in this blog, should there appear to be a preponderance of one or the other races in one or the other roles, it is unintentional. They are all meant to give as good as they get.

Anatomically, my drawings are sometimes not quite right. I have not had any formal art training, so what you see is the best I can make it.

This blog is fantasy and is not in anyway intended to
encourage reality. The reality is something I have no interest in or desire for.

Nov 26, 2011

Birthday Boys

A couple of young sailors, on leave, went celebrating the younger guy's 21st.  Two older men promised them a really good time.

Unfortunately for those 21-year-olds, it was a good time meant only for their new "friends".

Here's Rocky--the birthday boy-- definitely horny, but none too happy.

But Pete's peter sure seems to be enjoying it.

Thomas' cock is also betraying his other emotions.

But its Cal's cock that's doing a lot of the celebrating.



  1. Much appreciated. As there aren't many who share our taste, it is great to get any feedback. Hope you continue to enjoy my blog.
