When I start drawing, I never know who will appear. I find men of all races attractive and have therefore depicted them as both victims and perpetrators. At any point in this blog, should there appear to be a preponderance of one or the other races in one or the other roles, it is unintentional. They are all meant to give as good as they get.

Anatomically, my drawings are sometimes not quite right. I have not had any formal art training, so what you see is the best I can make it.

This blog is fantasy and is not in anyway intended to
encourage reality. The reality is something I have no interest in or desire for.

Dec 21, 2011

Holiday Presents

Like cats that bring their kills to their Masters, so these guys have brought their conquests as presents during this holiday season.


Josh sure looks proud. Cal is his Hanukkah present.


But Devon doesn't look like he's finished with Joey, his Kwanzaa present. Even though Joey is certainly finished.


And how about little Danny.  Only 5' 1" and his Christmas present is 7' 2" Kwame!  How he managed that is anyone's guess.


Happy Holidays.

Dec 17, 2011

Nice Guys Finish Dead Last

You can just see that the guys with the hands around their necks are nice guys.  The expressions on their faces seem to indicate a nature that doesn't have any defense against the strong-armed bullies who are cutting their lives short.


That Marine is staring at that cutie with the disheavelled dreadlocks as if to say, "Forget it, kid, you've had it.  This is what I want and this is how I want it."


As for the two Jarheads, it looks like Sergeant Hard-on has had enough of Private Goody-Two-Shoes.


Goodbye, good guys.

Nov 26, 2011

Birthday Boys

A couple of young sailors, on leave, went celebrating the younger guy's 21st.  Two older men promised them a really good time.

Unfortunately for those 21-year-olds, it was a good time meant only for their new "friends".

Here's Rocky--the birthday boy-- definitely horny, but none too happy.

But Pete's peter sure seems to be enjoying it.

Thomas' cock is also betraying his other emotions.

But its Cal's cock that's doing a lot of the celebrating.


Oct 31, 2011

Oldies but Goodies

These guys have been sitting in my drawer for quite a few years.  Now seems as good time as any for them to see the light of day.  (Those that haven't had their lights already put out, of course.)

You can tell their age from the last drawing. The hair styles and clothes are a dead give-away.  And some of the guys are just dead.

     First there's a Jock putting the squeeze on a Punk.


           Next there's a Punk finishing off a Jock.


You could call the following "The Anonymous Brigade                    conquering the Anonymous Troups".


Finally, here are the "style-setters".  A little worse for wear, a bit unfinished and creased.  But, happily, with                several bodies still hanging around     


Oct 10, 2011

Black to Black

Here's a couple of guys who are really on their last legs. Their fight is gone.  They seem to be pretty much taking their last gasps.

First there's Sam.  His hands are up as if in submission. Come to think of it, I guess that's what it is.

The struggle is gone.  Expect maybe for his breath.

Dwayne's training as a Marine doesn't seem to have been much help.  He sure looks like he's slipping away backwards.  And Freddie ain't letting go until he does.


Sep 14, 2011

New Take on an Old Favorite

Here's a series I did quickly (which is pretty obvious) using more finished stuff I had drawn before as a template.

You might recognize the nursery rhyme.

                   Monday's child is fair of face.


                    Tuesday's child is full of grace.


                 Wednesday's child is full of woe.


                   Thursday's child has far to go.


                Friday's child is loving and giving.


           Saturday's child works hard for his living.


        But the child who is born on the Sabbath day
                           is bonny and blithe


                           .....and good at play.


                               And dead.


Sep 2, 2011

You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To

These guys have been sitting in my file for 5 or 10 years.  Waiting to played with.  Waiting for our pleasure. Waiting for squeezing hands around their strong, yielding necks

Here's Jamal, the bound rebounder.  There are a few hoops for him to jump through before the final whistle.


And there's Big Al, called that because, naturally, he's a little guy.  a.k.a. Cry Baby. Of course, he does have something to cry about: he knows what's coming isn't going to end well.


Perry's been sitting on the john so long, he's unconscious.  Well, maybe that state had nothing to do with his waiting.  Then again, his final state is definitely going to last an eternity. 


Finally--also tied to a toilet--is Brad. Soon enough he too is going to be flushed with our success. Right down the drain.

These guys' long wait is finally over.

Aug 18, 2011

Ten Ways to Kill Your Cheating Lover

                                Meet Zach

Zach has been a deceiving, lying bastard, screwing every available hole he could find.  Much to his lover's fury.

No more chances for Zach.

Now his partner only has to choose how to kill him.  He has 10 favorites.

1.  Pull a plastic bag over that two-faced head.

2.  Blow his betraying brains out.

3.  Tape over his cheating nose and mouth.

4.  Break his twisted neck.

5.  Garrote that twisted neck.

6.  Slit his double-dealing throat.

7.  Let him hang his despicable self.

8.  Drive a stake through his cold heart.

9.  Lop off his treacherous cock and balls.

10.  Shove a hot poker up that wandering asshole.

Too bad his partner can only kill him once.

Aug 7, 2011

Squeeze Plays - Take Two

There doesn't seem to be anything quite like getting you arms around a big, strong man.  Or more precisely, around the neck of a big, strong man.  

Take Germain. He's surely liking where his arms are. 

Too bad about Danny, though.  He doesn't seem to be enjoying it at all.

The same can't be said for Neville.  All indications are he is really into this.  And there's little doubt that Tony is getting off on it even more.  

You just never know who you're going to please.

Aug 1, 2011

Squeeze Plays

Once he has overpowered his quarry and has him securely tied up, our hero can do anything he wants to him.  

Henry here is putting his squeeze play on Isaiah. It's a two-step process.  First he gets his forearm in a good strong lock around his captive's neck.                                               
Then he squeezes.                                                                                                            
Of course, Henry isn't the only one who's got a victim.  

Tyrone has Brad in the required strangle-hold. Yet from the looks of things, Brad sure isn't going easily. All the same, the pleasure on Ty's face is a sure sign that Brad is certainly going............easily or not.

Lui, on the other hand, seems to be almost finished demonstrating the second step on Takota. 

Which brings us to a third step:  release the body when he's stopped beathing.    

Jul 12, 2011

To the Rescue

Sometimes things just don't go quite the way a guy plans.  Take the two following guys.  They each thought they had their man.  But in both cases they stand to pay big time.

This big hunk at least finished off his quarry.  And from the looks of him vrs Our Hero coming at him, I think I'd bet on him finishing off Our Hero as well.

On the other hand, the only thing this next Big Guy got for his toubles, was a knife in the back.  The Little Guys win this time.

Jun 20, 2011

Gentlemen, Be Seated. Again

Guys tied to chairs seem to be a recurring theme for me.  Here are two of the boys I drew quite a few years ago.

This is hairy Harry.

And this is Harry's pal, Uneasy Rider.

You could say they're wary, Harry and Rider.  They just don't really understand what kind of trouble they're in.

They'll learn.

Now these two guys really do seem to understand their predicament.  Although, we know it won't make one bit of difference.  (These guys were part of the series I drew and posted under the original "Gentlemen, Be Seated" in January, 2010.)

That's Very Hairy Harry and his cousin Barry.